Kurviger at IMOT Munich/München

This weekend is the IMOT in Munich. Kurviger will be there this year. On Friday and Saturday you can meet me at 10:00//12:00/14:00/16:00 in the Atrium above hall 3, in the showroom D105. I am looking forward to meet some of you :slight_smile:.

Dieses Wochenende findet in München die IMOT statt. Kurviger ist dieses Jahr mit dabei. Am Freitag und Samstag findet ihr mich jeweils um 10:00/12:00/14:00/16:00 im Atrium über der Halle 3 im Showroom D105. Kommt doch gern vorbei, ich freue mich schon einige von euch kennen zu lernen.


Daaaamn nice! How about Hamburg motorcycle days in two weeks?!

Vielleicht schaffe ich es hin. Geplant hatte ich es, aber eine Erkältung hat mich überrannt.

Hamburg is too far from Stuttgart, sorry :wink:

Schade, würde mich freuen wenn es klappt, Morgen bin ich noch da :slight_smile:

Put it on your calendar for next year man, I’d be thrilled

Yes, we will see about next year. We intend to be on some expos again :slight_smile:.

Wäre schön gewesen, konnte aber nicht, weil wir gerade erst aus einem Kurzurlaub zurückgekommen sind. Vielleicht klappt’s nächstes Mal.

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A year passed. IMOT munich / München takes place again from Friday 14. Feb. to Sunday 16. Feb. 2020.

In the blog
Motorradmessen 2020 - MOTORRADSTRASSEN Sonderausgabe - Kurviger.de Blog
at the end of the report is mentioned that @boldtrn takes part at the IMOT.

@boldtrn do you know at which times and where you are presenting kurviger? It would be nice, if you can give us these data.

Thanks in advance and a lot of fun at the IMOT.


Yes that’s correct, I will be at the IMOT again this year. I will be there on Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately I can’t make it on Sunday.

I will be in the Showroom D105 with the team from RoadConcept/Motorradstrassen.

I am looking forward to meet a lot of you there :slight_smile:.

It was a real pleasure to meet you! :smiley:

But IMOT was croweded like hell on saturday :open_mouth:. Next year I think I’ll to try to make it on friday morning if possible.

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Ich war da und habe Robin getroffen, sehr nettes Gespräch, bin ja gespannt, was sich bei Kurviger noch so alles tun wird in Zukunft!

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It was really nice meeting you all at the IMOT. Hopefully we can catch up again next year at the IMOT again.

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Pics or didn’t happen!

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There is even a video by World spins as fast as we ride

Ok, it’s just 5 seconds or so, but should be proof enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Will kurviger or you @boldtrn be at the IMOT in munich again this year?

I don’t want to promise too much. It is something that we have on our list, I will let you know if I or maybe someone else can make it to the IMOT this year.

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