New design of the routeplanning | Neues Design der Routenplanung

We are happy to tell you about our latest change for Kurviger, an improved route planning experience. Light and stylish yet packed with all the features you know and love :motorcycle:. Improvements of the new UI include an improved tablet experience and a landscape mode for smartphone planning.

Git it a try on

Q: Will this be available in the app?
A: Yes, the next version of the app will contain the new design

Q: Will this enable landscape planning on smartphones?
A: Yes :tada:

Please let us know how you like the new design or if there are any issues with it :motorcycle: :racing_car:.

Wir freuen uns, euch von unserer neuesten Änderung für Kurviger zu erzählen, einer verbesserten Routenplanung. Leicht und stilvoll, aber dennoch vollgepackt mit den Funktionen, die ihr kennt und liebt :motorcycle:. Verbesserungen der neuen Benutzeroberfläche gibt es unter Anderem für Tablet-Nutzer und für alle, die ein Querformat auf dem Smartphone benötigen.

Probier es direkt auf aus!

F: Wird das auch in der App verfĂĽgbar sein?
A: Ja, die nächste Version der App wird das neue Design enthalten

F: Wird damit die Planung im Querformat auf Smartphones ermöglicht?
A: Ja :tada:

Bitte teilt uns mit, wie euch das neue Design gefällt oder ob es Probleme damit gibt :motorcycle: :racing_car:.


Nice update - some observations from my side:

  • When logged-in it would be nice to have quicker/easier access to the “Log out” button. Right now one has to select the “Profile” section and scroll down to access it. Suggestion: move the log out button right to the top, to the right of the profile picture/mail address (pic 1).
  • In the “hamburger menu” left of the Kurviger-logo the “Tourer” link can easily be confused with the user’s status. I thought that my abotype was displayed incorrectly (“Tourer”, instead of “Tourer+”, which is also indicated in yellow) (pic 2).
  • In the “hamburger menu” left of the Kurviger-logo a link to the forum is missing (pic 2). :slight_smile:
  • One wish in terms of usability of the cloud functions: when a route is selected in the cloud, I’d love to have the option to export it without the need of loading it first! I can imagine to offer this function in the existing dropdown-menu of the current selected route (pic 3).

Thanks for your efforts!


That was the map scale bottom left - and I miss it.

Please move it to the old position:

Hallo, kann es sein, das das nachladen der Karte aktuell noch etwas länger dauert?

Kurzes Feedback zur UI. Ich empfinde es als sehr schlĂĽssig und intuitiv. Alle Punkte die man sucht (wie z.B. die Rundtour) sind dort wo man Sie suchen wĂĽrde. FĂĽr mich alles richtig gemacht und eine sinnvolle Evolution


I think that button is obsolete and can be removed:

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I would do an additional step to reduce the number of clicks / taps when creating a new route:

Remark: From my point of view the info displayed about the clicked point in map (address, coordinate) is useless in > 99% of clicked points.

You see and feel the benefit, if you create a route by just clicking roads on the map and add them to route - please compare doing this in K1 and K3 (demo website), K1 is much faster, more comfortable due to less clicks / taps.

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Hi an alle,
ich freue mich schon auf die Bedienbarkeit der App im Querformat…
…eine Kleinigkeit, “Route bearbeiten” auch wenn die Benutzeroberfläche auf Englisch (falls noch nicht gemeldet…)


Thanks everyone for the feedback :+1:

In K1 and K3 it’s 3 clicks + moving the map for placing WPs, the only thing that requires you to swipe up are things like favorites, open in OSM, etc. So I am not sure I really follow your criticism here?

Thanks we’ll have a look. It is still bottom left though :wink: - but I get that the “sidebar” can cover this now which is not ideal.


Danke fĂĽrs Melden :+1:

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You are right - there are also 3 clicks in K1 (I mixed it up due to different order: In K1 you have to select the kind of waypoint before placing the crosshair).
But nevertheless needing only 2 clicks in K3 would improve / speed up:

  • after long tap on map crosshair appears, and in parallel the 4 buttons (Start, ViaPoint, ShapingPoint, Destination) are shown in left panel
  • then crosshair has to be placed and one of the 4 buttons can be tapped

There was (and perhaps still is, but I can not find it) a mode on the website, where I just had to do 1 click on a map point, and route was extended with that point as new destination - I really appreciated that, when I did the routing myself (via a paper map) and wanted to create an identical Kurviger route.
Of course 2 clicks are necessary, if the possibility to select waypoint type individually is given - as far as I remember even the waypoint type (Via or Shaping) of previous destination when extending via 1 click method could / can be configured.

Only for Website > Settings > “Place a new waypoint with a left click on the map” (on|off)
Alternatively you can hold Shift and left click.

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Thanks for the hint!

Interesting: Opening the website with Android tablet in Chrome that option is not available.
Only if I switch browser to desktop mode, that option is shown.

After switching to desktop mode there is no crosshair adjustment any more (which is useful, of course - using a mouse it is not needed).

Using a tablet holding Shift-key is not possible :frowning:

I think some options are limited between touch devices (Smartphones, Tablets) and PC-Browser, and the layout of tablets is considered nearer to smartphones than to PC-browser.

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I just copied the coordinate to ensure that start and destination are equal. Please do not consider to remove it due to cosmetic reasons (yes, it is just this last percent of clicked points, but I found no other way to access the coordinate, especially when I named the waypoint).

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Why the hell would someone want to logout ??

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Minor. I would prefer “Abbrechen” and “Verschieben” with an “n” at the end, as “Abbrechen” is more general and “Verschiebe(!)” is a command.

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I make it separate, as I am sure this is the correct place, so you can move it.

In case I try to import a route, option “import as overlay” is set and all my 15 overlays are already used, I get a general error messaage. Perhaps there is a way to explain this condition better.

When I delete one overlay, the import is working fine.

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Oh there could be plenty of reasons - in my case it’s about using my Kurviger account on a non-private device so I don’t want to give anybody the chance to mess up my cloud routes, favorites etc.

But nice that you care about why someone would want to use a feature…


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