Would be nice to see in the POIs a catagory showing ONLY gasstations that offer Ethanol-free gas.
This since many motorcycles have to use, or prefer to use ethanol-free gas.
Even modern motorcycles should better be run with ethanol-free gas.
Currently we don’t offer advanced filters for POIs. When you click on the POI, you can see the data that is tagged in OSM. Some fuel stations have information about the offered fuel types.
@Mohkraats : Do you really mean ethanol free ?
I did an overpass turbo search:
In OSM there are only 123 gas stations offering that, all of them in the USA.
Nevertheless you can export a GPX from there and import it as overlay in Kurviger:
@boldtrn : Do you think it would be useful, if I put a documentation in the Kurviger Wiki how to search and export POIs from overpass turbo and import them as overlay (including a list of overpass turbo search links) ?
I was talking about Europe honestly, since I live here in Europe.
In Europe, at the gasstations, they offer E5 or E10.
E10 is a 95 octane fuel with a mandatory 10% Ethanol.
E5 is a 98 octane fuel with up to 5% Ethanol.
So here E5 is the way to go, but one needs to be selective regarding brand.
Some brands offer the E5 Ethanol-free (Shell, Bp, Esso)
Others offer the E5 with max 5% Ethanol.(Total, etc)
It is nowhere advertised, one has to inquire with the offering brands themself.
And what Kurviger concerns,
I think offering a layer with stations where they offer true Ethanol-free fuel would make them stand out of the crowd.
I do not know about any other tool offering that.
You mix it up. Correct is:
- E5 has max. 5% ethanol
- E10 has max. 10% ethanol
- the ethanol concentrattion has nothing to do with octane number (RON)
Example: In czech republic unfortunately I did not check properly, just have choosen “E10” → the most expensive fuel, because that was 100 octane (or even 102) fuel.
Nevertheless it was cheaper than E10 in Germany
I have some doubts - can you paste a link to your source ?
I don’t think so: Nearly all motorcycles and cars can be driven with E5 (even oldtimer - they just need additives to replace the lead ) - so nearly no one will use this.
Yeah, you probably right about the octane.
In The Netherlands it just happen to end up like that.
Before we had Euro95 (95 octane) which became E10
The next choise was 98 Octane, which became E5
And for the E10, that is mandatory to contain 10% Ethanol. (at least here it is)
The E5 is up to the supplier.
Ah, and regarding the choice,
Ethanol is cause many problems in vehicles, even new ones.
A local shop here did have 10 bikes with E10 related problems waiting for repair when I walked in last week.
in-tank fuel pumps die because of it.
Injectors suffer from fauling
Fuel filters get cluttered
Etc etc etc
Short Google research:
Ethanol free only Shell V-Power & Aral Ultimate
All Others including Super Plus have 5% or 10% Ethanol in. As long this info is not included in OSM there is no way do do an extra layer.
Kurviger would be a first to offer such if they would
What kind of OSM search to offer this would you propose? I seems that there is no way:
As shown above, seraching for ethanol free gas gives no match in Europe.
An other try: Search for gas stations with E5, “Shell” or “Aral” in brand or name tags (not case sensitive): ~20 Matches in Europe, but only one in NL
Such POI database need to be build from scratch.
The help of the oil companies would be needed for the info.
This because such POI database does not exist yet.
Taking names like all Shell gasstations doesn`t help either since not all Shell stations offer V-Power. (as might be for other brands too.)
And the help of these companies is also needed to stay up to date on the contents of their fuel.
So, not so easy.
I put it on gpxshaping.de:
Overpass-Turbo gibt interessanter Info,
Ist aber auch nicht Fehler-frei.
Z.B. wenn Ich Shell Tankstellen suche, gibt der Wizard ein Marken-Code der nur ein Teil der Tankstellen zeigt.
Code Q110716465 zeigt wieder andere Shell Tankstellen ???
Standard Code Q154950 der der Wizard ausgibt zeigt z.B. keins in Almere (NL), wo Ich wohne und weiss das es davon mehrere da gibt.
Ach, und da gibts auch noch die Q2289188 für die Shell-Express Tankstellen, die übrigens durchgend kein V-Power anbieten…
Also nur teilweise, nutzbar, oder besser gesagt: Mit Vorsicht zu geniessen.
I found a POI database online offering POI lists for all kinds of navigation devices.
Didn’t see GPX however.
How could we get one of their lists into Kurviger ??
Many interesting lists there.
They at least offer a gas station list for Aral stations
They coorporate with Aral for this.
Downdraft is that you get all the stations.
On the Aral website one can select to see only the gas stations that offer “Ultimate” fuel, which is their ethanol-free fuel.
(you have to set the filter for Ultimate)
Just remains how to get this info into Kurviger