I would not use that option, because it would overload the map. Furthermore I assume that this is a very rare use case.
Nevertheless: The website you linked above offers to download the found drinking water places as GPX, you can import that GPX in Kurviger as overlay and use the drinking water places for planning.
Remark: According to
it would be better to focus on nodes which additionally have the tag “drinking_water=yes” - I propose to use an overpass search like
and import them as overlay in Kurviger as already described in other threads:
Hi, eine (etwas unkomfortable) Alternative:
Suche in Overpass-Turbo nach den Motorradparkplätzen:
Karte auf den gewünschten Bereich schieben / vergrößern. Dazu ggf. Suchfeld in der Karte nutzen, z.B. “Wuppertal”
eventuell noch über den Knopf [knoof] Bereich auswählen
“Ausführen” drücken
Export / GPX: Download drücken
Jetzt hast Du eine Datei “export.gpx” im Download Ordner. Beispiel:
export.gpx (23,4 KB)
Die kannst Du als Overlay in Kurviger laden (Web …
E.g. effort for implementation, increased complexity leading to reduced useability.
But it is quite easy to create your own overlay for a region via overpass turbo.
Example for sustenance:
select desired area on map
press “Run”
browse found items in overpass turbo or
export as GPX and import GPX as overlay in Kurviger (app or web)
For sustenance amenity tags see
You can get POIs (eg. toilets) easyly via overpass turbo and add them as overlay in Kurviger (web+app):
open https://overpass-turbo.eu/
Click “Wizard”
enter your search, e.g. “amenity=toilets”
Click “Build query”
In this case we only search nodes → remove rows with “way” and “relation” (saves time for the request)
Now request looks like https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1oht (for "amenity=toilets)
Move / zoom map to desired area, use button
to select desired area
Click Export …