Pro version - offline routing?

If I buy the Pro version, can I download maps - have them on my device - and they will work if I have no cell service?

“Offline maps allow you to browse the map without internet connection. The route calculation requires you to have an internet connection, but the navigation itself does not require an internet connection, when using offline maps.”

Can see more also in offline maps guide or documentation.

We work on offline routing for a future version. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Scott,
in other words:
You can store many pre-calculated routes on your device.
The App can guide you along those routes as you expect - completely offline.
But if you deviate from the route a new route can only be calculated with internet connection


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Was stelle ich (Offline-Routing (Routing Service) ein, daĂź ich Kurviger pro offline nutzen kann
bzw. wenn eine Umleitung kommt diese neu berechnet wird.?

Brauche ich dazu GaphHopper/BRouter und muĂź man extra was installieren.?

If select a pair of routing services,
then Kurviger is used when be online and the offline router when be offline.

Installation details exist in offline routing guide.

Das Offline-Routing -Handbuch habe ich gelesen, es beantwortet mir nicht meine Fragen

Was stelle ich (Offline-Routing (Routing Service) ein, daĂź ich Kurviger pro offline nutzen kann
bzw. wenn eine Umleitung kommt diese neu berechnet wird.?

Brauche ich dazu GaphHopper / BRouter und muĂź man extra was installieren.?

Offline routing guide describes how to install / use the offline routing in Kurviger.
Select the service you want in routing settings and install its offline routing data.

Regarding navigation the guide clearly mentions:

“Navigation : offline rerouting happens when you leave the current route and trigger a rerouting (automatic or manual), skip the next waypoint, avoid road blocks, etc. while navigating without internet connection. The route is calculated from your current location to the existing route (based on rerouting mode). Only this small part of the route will be recalculated and merged with the previously planned route. This ensures, that the rest of the route remains as initially planned.”

Brauche ich dazu GaphHopper / BRouter und muĂź man extra was installieren.?

You can try both and select the one that is best for your needs.

All installation details exist in offline routing guide.

Ja, eines von beiden brauchst Du.
FĂĽr GaphHopper musst du die Routing-Daten herunterladen und entpacken.
FĂĽr BRouter musst du die APP installieren, und dann die Routing-Daten herunterladen.

Für Computer-Laien ist BRouter meines Erachtens leichter zu installieren, da die BRouter-App einen Download-Manager für die Installation der Routing-Daten enthält.
Einfach strikt der Anleitung folgen.

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…und für was bauche man dann noch die Karten.? Offline-Karten Tutorial [Kurviger Knowledgebase]

bzw. ist mir immer noch nicht Klar fĂĽr was GaphHopper / BRouter gebraucht wird.

Im Moment habe zur App Pro nur die Karten offline_maps installiert
und kann meine kurviger Web Planer erstellten Routen nutzen.

Maps and Routing are two separate and different things:

  • Offline maps are used to show maps when be offline

  • Offline routing is used to calculate routes when be offline
    (as Kurviger routing needs internet)

FĂĽr was wird GaphHopper / BRouter gebraucht

@iMac - statt hier die Stimme zu erheben … so deute ich die “fette” Schrift … solltest Du vielleicht einmal die Suchfunktion bemühen:


For offline-routing! Is also in the documentation. I kept to it and there were no problems. I’m using Graphopper because I didn’t want to install a separate app.