Hello everyone, I use the app in the Pro version a week ago. For that I have to say, a big compliment for the great routes.
But, the layout should be revised urgently. In the beginning I took a long time to create a circular route. It was also difficult to see if the navigation was already started or not. My position was very well tracked. The voice output did not work at all (sound was successfully tested on and via headphones with other app).
Also, a sound on / sound off button on the display would be fine.A recalculation of the route if you turn wrong or drive differently should also be implemented.
Hallo zusammen, ich benutze die App in der Pro Version seid einer Woche. Dazu muss ich sagen, ein großes Lob für die tollen Routen.
Aber, das Layout sollte dringend überarbeitet werden. Am Anfang habe ich sehr lange gebraucht um eine Rundroute erstellen zu können. Es war auch schwer ersichtlich ob die Navigation schon gestartet ist oder nicht. Meine Position wurde sehr gut getrackt. Die Sprachausgabe hat überhaupt nicht funktioniert(Sound war an und über Kopfhörer mit anderen App erfolgreich getestet).
Auch wäre ein Ton an / Ton aus Button auf dem Display gut.
Eine Neuberechnung der Route wenn man falsch abbiegt oder anders fahren möchte sollte auch implementiert werden.
I think you simply have to get used to the app a little bit more (I did, and it was really worth it).
Most of your mentioned functions are already existing:
You’re in navigation mode if the corresponding button (the second one on the left side with the little arrow) is switched on.
Sound can be switched on/off via “setiings / voice guidance output”. There you also find some configuration elements to adjust it, so that it works properly with your equipment.
Automatic recalculation can be switched on/off via “settings / navigation / rerouting”. If rerouting is currently switched off, you can force it manually by placing a new waypoint on the map (directly in front of your current position). Just a workaround, maybe there’ll be a dedicated control element for this in one of the future versions.
You can try the different options in Settings, Voice guidance. Depending on your settings there, the voice output will be handled. The default settings should work with most modern headsets. If you use an older headset, you might need to switch to a different output channel like “phone”.
This should be pretty straightforward, long press on the map, Roundtrip, set the settings you like, Generate.