"Saving" my route work using Export/Import = FAIL

I have read this article:

I have played with the Import options, which if I’m honest, I’m still confused what exactly is meant by:

Show GPX data as overlay
Use GPX for route calculation
Extend Route/Overlay

The option to reduce waypoints on import also confuses me–especially if the idea is I’m importing a track that has waypoints that somebody designated for a reason. I do understand in general the idea that a person might want to reduce waypoints.

Hopefully one of you will point out the error in my ways here, but the real big issue I have is that I can’t create a track in Kurvinger, export it, then come back later and work on it using the import tool to “re-open” my GPX file.

I CAN import the Kurviger-generated GPX file, but it is not exactly what I was looking at when I exported. Does that make sense?

For example, I created a 76 mile loop. It has a start and end point and 10 intermediate points. I know on average that is a lot of waypoints, and I probably could have gotten the track defined with 8 or maybe even less I I had perfectly placed them, but 10 is where I ended up to get the track on the exact roads I desired. Then I exported tracks and waypoints (I don’t use routes).

When I import this GPX file back into Kurviger, I see 21 intermediate waypoints and the track is messed up–not the same as I created and also not even a good continuous loop.

It will be a showstopper for sure if I can’t save my work to later come back and continue my track work or open later for modification. So I assume I am simply not understanding something fundamental.



To keep all your original waypoints you should use the combination “routing” and “route” from the import options when importing GPX files. Or you save your routes in the kurviger-format to ensure that it will exactly be the same like you saw it when editing your route (it is the format with which the app can navigate even if you have no data connection on the road).

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There is also the Saving a Route that can be Loaded Later (even when Offline) guide which describes what @SchlesiM suggested above, does it help?

To show the GPX file as an overlay on the map. There is no routing, just a visual. This could show waypoints/POIs, or maybe different tracks, etc.

Kurviger tries to extract the most relevant part of the GPX and convert it to a route that could be used with a navigation device or the Kurviger app.

Add a second GPX to the current one. This can make sense for example for POIs where you want to show GPX data from different sources, for example from Passknacker and Alpenrouten (or any other sources)

But it could be also used when planning a multi day trip. So you have every day in a single GPX file, but want to put every route on the screen at once. Maybe to see the overall distance of the trip or something like this.

You should not use tracks for this (as mentioned by others alreday :slight_smile:). Tracks don’t contain any additional information, you could export the track and the route, then select the route on import but still have the track as overlay (this is what many people do).

@SchlesiM, @devemux86, @boldtrn,

THANKS for the community help! My apologies for doing a poor job of searching the documentation to figure these things out for myself. I confirm that if I export in the Kurviger format (.kurviger), I can import the file later to be back in the same state as when I exported. (At least in the one test I just did!)

@boldtrn, I found this commen interesting:

Tracks don’t contain any additional information, you could export the track and the route…

I am very familiar with GPX (XML text) files. When looking at an exported route vs track, it is routes that have barely any information–just the few waypoints and then relies on the software to route between those points. A route might have 5 points while the same track could have hundreds of points. Early on in my route creation process, it did not take me long to figure out that I could create a route and load it on my old Garmin unit and it was good, but I’d share it with others, and depending on their maps and devices, they’d get a very different route (even other Garmin devices). For the kind of dualsport motorcycle rides I was leading, the exact track mattered–I didn’t want the software “helping” me route between points. I just wanted to see the roads (points) that I had carefully selected. So I’ve been a “track-only” convert since those days.

A lot has changed since then, but this is still how routes work vs tracks as far as I can tell. Turns out this decision does not matter so much for the context of exporting for the purpose of later import to continue working on the route as the .kurviger format doesn’t have any tracks vs routes options like it does when exporting to GPX. :grinning:

Thanks! :coffee:

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This is correct, but there is no way to figure out which of the points are the one you selected earlier as your waypoints, so we have to guess, which usually leads to a reasonable representation of your planned trip, but it almost always won’t match 100%, especially when looking at the waypoints, they are usually somewhere else. If you use the same system for planning, a route is way better than a track. The calculated routes won’t change that much over time if you reuse the same points over and over. You can always keep the track in addition to see the overlay and identify spots where it doesn’t line up.