The Kurviger website just got a new feature, keyboard shortcuts. This can come in really handy in some situations.
So far, there are the following shortcuts:
Hold R to make the route almost invisible. This helps a lot to see what type of road is used.
Hold W to set the waypoints invisible. This can be for example used when you are creating screenshots, which was discussed here.
Hold Shift (that’s the key to write in upper case) to Switch between Left-Click-Mode.
Let me know what you think about this and what other keyboard shortcuts we should add in the future. Many things won’t work easily, as there are many side effects with keyboard shortcuts, so there shouldn’t be any disruptive effects or complex key combinations .
I’m pretty sure that a lot of users won’t “discover” these functions. And keyboard shortcuts aren’t very helpful on a tablet. Therefore it would be great if additionally there were two bottons at the left toolbar area on the map to switch on/off route and waypoint visibility.
Yes that should be possible. I wasn’t sure if we should hide everything? The main use case I see is to see what type of road is under the route line?
Yes, we still need to document this nicely in the UI. I first wanted to collect some feedback before making this official .
Yes, I actually thought about that as well. I am not sure to be honest. So far the shortcuts contain only nice to have/bonus features and the map toolbar is already growing too big. On most smartphones you can’t even reach all buttons if the website is in horizontal view. I think, we would first need a different map toolbar. Once that is done, I can think of quite some buttons to add to the map .
The Kurviger website works OK on mobile devices, but the app certainly works smoother and is optimized for touch interaction.
Sure. I don’t mean Android or Apple tablets. There are Windows tablets as well.
It’s really fun lying on your couch and creating a few new routes using your Windows tablet (and maybe a pen) with Kurviger in map view mode while hearing music and enjoying a good drink. Helps bringing you over the winter .
And one last suggestion: if using the W and R keys to hide waypoints and route line (e.g. to better be able to recognize a street type) it would be good if the magenta dotted line could also be hidden:
(btw: it would be helpful to also have buttons for this W/R hiding functions because otherwise only “insiders” will know that this useful functions even exist).
Would be an improvement. But I’m still pretty sure that the W/R-functions are worth enough to deserve own buttons because when creating or modifying a route on a tablet (using a pen) keyboard shortcuts aren’t useful.
The statements in the picture are collected from forum posts.
In the toolbar there are a lot of display options for different POI. The toolbar could be a place to operate display of different things in the map area.
For me POI display selection not often is changed. In my proposal therefore the POI display selection is in a separate bar which you can show and hide with the POI button in the toolbar. What’s the opinion of other users?
Other display options (like show/hide elevation diagram, hide route, and so on. see picture) in my proposal you can show/hide with the “EYE”-button (instead of EYE there could be a logo for display options). In my opinion this button can be avoided and the buttons to the display options can be present all time. That depends from layout with less or more buttons. The W/R/T buttons perhaps hide waypoints, route or track only as long as you press the button? Or should these buttons work with show / hide functionality like the other buttons?
Proposal was made not considering how to place the bars and buttons. There is place for some improvements. @boldtrn knows the style of my proposals, in the past his realisation always was much better than my proposals. Are there reqests for more display options?
Yes I thought about something like this. The map buttons are already too many in my opinion. A collapsible toolbar could help to fix these issue and could be a good place to also add some of the shortcut buttons as well.
I will have to check a couple of implementation details, but this could work.
When you press W or R the Waypoints or the Route should disapear, when you release the button again, they should be visible again. Best is to first click on the map, if you are still in search box on the left, then you will type there as well.