Workaround for Importing Kurviger Tracks to Garmin Zumo 350LM

I was not satisfied with the hints given at the site for exporting tracks to a Garmin zumo.
I tried another way and it works!!

Here it is:
You need

  • a Android phone (Xiaomi Mi2 lite)
  • a micro USB-Adapter for exporting to a micro SD that you may use inside your Garmin zumo
    All you have to do is:
  • make a Kurviger route
  • go to export
  • export route in gpx-format to the Micro SD of your Garmin
  • on your zumo go to tracks; import the file you saved to your micro SD
  • open the track
  • on the left upper side use the convert to route option
  • from start to end
  • give it a name
  • the zumo will produce a route
    It is exactly the one you have made with
    Go to Routenplanung
    open the new route
    Check it on the map
    And begin with Start

That’s it. It works!!

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Thanks for the explanation. We are happy to improve our current Garmin Zumo export description. Do you know if this works with different Zumos or is this something special of the 350LM?

Sorry, I only own a Garmin Zum 350lm. I did not try/test it with others.

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What options do you select when exporting?
track, waypoints, route
Only route or any other?


that’s the same method Thorsten described in

This method works also on BMW Nav 5/6 and - as far as I know - on newer Garmin Zumos 590/595.

But - of course - with all disadvantages discussed in that and in other threads.




With the difference that I export the track not the route. With the route export the result can be very different to my experience with kurviger and Garmin!

Hmmmmmmm - the post of Gruun is not consistent ( probably therefore the post from linux-user ):

  • export route in gpx-format to the Micro SD of your Garmin
  • on your zumo go to tracks; import the file you saved to your micro SD
  • open the track
  • on the left upper side use the convert to route option

So I think Gruun exports the track, because you can open a track and convert it to a route only if you export a track…

@Thorsten: Which Zumo do you use?



350 like Gruun, that’s why I was wondering about the way he proceeds. I also thinks he mixed up the route/track import/export procedure :roll_eyes: