In the map the shaping points are white colored and the waypoints yellow. Would this be possible also in the waypoint list, Routing – Waypoints, waypoints in yellow color? Since distance and time was added as information, this could make waypoints better visible when scrolling through the list.
They can be identified by their icons (place vs circle).
Or we could use colored markers, like in layers dialog.
[green → yellow | white → red]
colored markers would be very nice
Available in Kurviger 2.2.19 (Beta).
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perfect, looks very good.
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Perfecte, així queda més clar
Perfect, so it’s clearer
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Also I don’t really use it, I like it.
Looks in some way fresher!
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A post was merged into an existing topic: App: Navigation advanced route appearance
Implemented in Kurviger 2.2.28.