App: Route arrows

I see, this is quite reasonable. Better a simpler / clean design than an alternative which causes troubles on some devices. I’ll test the new version on the road to see how convenient it is. Maybe I’m too pedantic about small details :smile:.

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That’s my idea too, always prefer stability and performance above new content.

Please do and report back. :slightly_smiling_face:

Note that in 3D navigation as demonstrated above all arrows have their limits due to map tilt.
Route arrows are mostly useful in 2D navigation (or route planning) where they are more clearly visible.

Eventually a more advanced implementation like above could come, but that needs proper design and much work so will see…


Many ask why I changed the route arrows from long ones to short arrow heads.

Here is a screenshot from @boldtrn demonstrating the issue at sharp curves.

I can put whatever (long) arrow you like, but you have to agree that can live with such rendering (until something else is implemented).

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Of course both types have there benefits. But the problem of the longer version just pops up at a specific zoom level. As soon as you change it, the arrows have been visible correct. The same happens with the actual ones. And for my opinion it was at lower zoom levels better with the bigger one’s.

The new arrows are sometimes hard to find:

But this is not a big point. I was just wondering.

Regards, Nico

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The rendering situation comes from line textures in our OpenGL map library.
Don’t know now if can be improved or needs a completely different concept.

I don’t think so. It’s good like it is.

Regards, Nico

Next version will have improved and more visible arrow heads for route direction.

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Improved in Kurviger 1.11.10.

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Improved implementation in Kurviger 2.0.14.