I also got the need of an undo button. When planning on mobile sometimes I missclick “add via point” and manage to hit “set end” which is right under. Very impractical, cause sometimes I do not remember the exact location of the end of my tour (for example, a hostel for overnight).
I think with the new crosshair placement function (introduced with Kurviger 1.7) this topic should be coverd in a very satisfying way (I meanwhile really learned to appreciate this function ).
Hier wurde der “Zurück”-Button schon mal für die Webseite gewünscht, da gibt es ja das Browser-Zurück. Aber nicht in der app! Deshalb wäre doch für die app ein solcher Button sehr sinnvoll. Jedenfalls habe ich ihn schon oft vermisst.
[EN] The “back” button has already been requested here for the website, where there is the browser back. But not in the app! That’s why such a button would make a lot of sense for the app. In any case, I have often missed it.