Kurviger 1.1.19

Kurviger 1.1.19 is on Google Play:

- Map: (optionally) rotate location arrow at tip instead of center (Pro)

Location direction arrow can now be rotated also around its tip, besides its center.
Rotation at tip allows location arrow to be shifted and offers more visibility in front.

- Map: change location arrow size (Pro)

Can adjust the location direction arrow’s size according to your preferences.

- Navigation: auto zoom with enhanced options (Pro)

Auto zoom options were revised, allowing now to select the min and max zoom levels.
Set different zoom levels for Dynamic mode or set same zoom levels for Fixed mode.

Dynamic zoom is now reactivated at some distance after passing the turn points for user convenience.

- Navigation: (optionally) amplify speech volume in voice guidance (Pro)

Can make spoken instructions louder than normal in active audio channel.
So that it’s easier to hear them or over other audio that might be playing.

- Navigation: option to prepare the phone call audio connection to avoid cut off instructions (Pro)

If set “Voice guidance output” to “Phone call audio”, then can adjust the timing of its connection with third-party devices, in order to avoid any cut off instructions.

- UI: long press on map, bookmarks or search results to copy coordinates in clipboard

Can copy coordinates in clipboard for various selected map elements via their popup dialog.

- Navigation: performance improvements (Pro)

We are looking forward to hear about your experience with this new version and new features. We wish you a nice Kurviger experience :motorcycle::racing_car:!


Perfect! Just tried. Can use my preferred min = max = 17 as fixed mode and automatically zoom more when leaving pre-defined route to better find the detour back… awsome…

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Thanks for the feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

I modified the permissions in News and Updates about Kurviger category, so that everyone can reply in announcements more conveniently.
e.g. can now discuss about new app version also in Kurviger 1.1.19 announcement.

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Was genau bewirkt “Karte > Rotation um Pfeilspitze”? Ganz genau verstehe ich die Funktion nicht. :thinking:

(that feature was discussed in detail at old forum)

Location direction arrow can be shifted downwards and rotated around its tip, instead of center.
It’s a preferred way by several navigators and users, as allows more map visibility in front of us.

Can see images in announcement with default location arrow and with the feature enabled.

Danke, jetzt ist es verständlich. :grinning: Werde ich bei der nächsten Fahrt testen.

Wir haben uns hier relativ schwer getan einen guten Namen zu finden. Falls du einen ähnlich kurzen, besser passenden Namen kennst, bitte lass es uns wissen :+1:

Vorschlag: “GPS-Postiion an der Pfeilspitze”


Vielen Dank für den Vorschlag. Das klingt besser :+1:

Super Funktion! Hab ich drauf gewartet und funktioniert wie erwartet!

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This function is ok, I tried it now several times. But in some situtions I don’t want to see too much roady on the screen but only the one where I drive, a little bit bigger… because I just want to drive and don’t want to know where I am.

Like the perfect min max setting for auto-zoom I would also prefer a minum zoom for the situation when leaving the calculated route. Then I am able to set also this “driving off-route” to my preferred zoom level.

After ~ 200km Navigation with Kurviger 1.1.19:

Auto zoom:

  • Zoom in and zoom out is working good. Zoom out does not happen to early any more. perfekt
  • Switch to follow mode when leaving route is great.
    Zoom level is ok for me, but others may have different preferences, so better make it settable.

rotate location arrow at tip instead of center:

  • GPS position at arrow tip - perfekt.
    IMO this could be the default, and maybe the option in setting menu removed.
  • Does anyone prefer the old setting (GPS position at the center)?



_(Concerning auto zoom we have a special topic here: https://forum.kurviger.com/t/new-auto-zoom-feature-in-kurviger-1-1-18/252/46_

Better focus this part of the discussion there?)