Kurviger 1.14.28 is available for old owners on their Google Play:
- Navigation: speed based auto zoom control (Pro)
You can adjust speed based auto zoom with auto zoom scale option.
Available in “Settings | Navigation | Auto zoom scale”.
- Navigation: speed based auto zoom in off route (Pro)
Speed based auto zoom in off route is provided as extra option.
Available in “Settings | Navigation | Off route zoom level” (slide left).
- Navigation: offline routing (GraphHopper deprecation) (Pro)
For offline routing please use BRouter (with cross border support).
- Routing: waypoint names for shaping points
Waypoint names are now also available for shaping points.
- Routing: turn instructions on waypoints
Improvements in turn instructions on waypoints.
- Map: auto zoom in follow location (Pro)
Follow location mode also supports (speed based) auto zoom.
Available in “Settings | Navigation | Auto zoom”.
You can change the size of map symbols.
Available in “Settings | Map | Symbols size”.
- Map: option to auto hide compass
The compass can be hidden automatically like the other buttons.
Available in “Settings | Map | Hide compass”.
- Export: waypoint names and shaping points
Export waypoint names and shaping points with online route formats.
- Export: GPX (offline) shaping points
Export shaping points with GPX (offline) route format.
- Import: shaping points (GPX)
Import shaping points with GPX route format.
- Import: open multiple files as overlays
You can import multiple similar route files as overlays.
Available in menu “Routing | Import | Route file”.
- App: export, import, reset preferences (Pro)
You can export / import (as pref files) and reset (to installation defaults) the app preferences.
Available in “Settings | Application | Preferences”.
- App: storage access framework
App’s file browser was replaced with Android’s storage access framework.
- App: requires Android 5.0 and up
- App: Android 12 compatibility
- App: Android 13 compatibility
- Various improvements
We’re looking forward for your feedback about the new version and we wish you a nice Kurviger experience!