Kurviger 1.3

Kurviger 1.3 is on Google Play:

- Navigation: force a rerouting by tapping the warning sign when off route (Pro)

When being away from the route can trigger a rerouting by tapping the warning sign at top-center.

- Navigation: switch between distance / time to destination or next waypoint (tap distance) (Pro)

If tap the distance panel at top-right, both panels of remaining distance and remaining time (or ETA), switch to show information alternately for destination or next waypoint.

Panel symbol changes too to indicate for which selection the information is displayed (like attached images).

- Navigation: display remaining time or estimated time of arrival (tap time) (Pro)

If tap the time panel at top-right, the display switches alternately between remaining time or estimated time of arrival (ETA).

Note: both above distance + time display selections are remembered on app exit.

- Navigation: UI enhancements (Pro)

  • Navigation panels have now a higher contrast
  • Next instruction symbol and distance are larger
  • Info panels display icons for easy identification

- Routing: option to show the waypoints in turn instructions

So far the waypoints were not included in turn instructions, treated more like shaping points.
Now there is a new option to include also the waypoints in turn instructions.

If enable it, that leads to announcement also of waypoints during navigation.

Note: the feature of display distance / time to next waypoint works anyway, either this option is enabled or not.

- Routing: change route line color

You can change the route line color with our new color picker.
With color presets and RGB color sliders for finer adjustment.

Hint: first option in color picker presets is current color (for easy revert).

- Routing: change route line width

Additionally the route line width can be changed in settings.

Route line rendering was revised, now being more clear and with slight increase per zoom.

- Map: change location marker / arrow color

You can also change the location marker / arrow color.
And don’t forget that can change location arrow size too.

See attached images for some ideas and features demonstration!

- Various improvements

There are enhancements in several areas as discussed in forum:

We’re looking forward for your feedback about the new version and we wish you a nice Kurviger experience! :motorcycle: :racing_car:


Is re-routing done, only for the next waypoint, or for the entire remaining route? Is there a risk, that the entire remaining route will be changed?

Rerouting is performed from location to closest / next waypoint, using also the subsequent waypoints to recalculate the route.

Thank you, just 2b sure, 1 more question:
If an imported route (.kurviger) was calculated in another routing mode as selected in the config settings of the app (e.g. direct (imported), vs. extreme(setting in app))
then re-routing is still done w/ the setting of the imported route and not w/ the setting of the app config?!

The .kurviger route file format contains also all routing options used for its creation.
When import a .kurviger route file, app (or website) options change to reflect the imported route options.
So any route calculation or rerouting after import uses explicitly those import options.

On the contrary when import other route files e.g. .gpx, which contain only coordinates, then the app (or website) options are preserved.

Before all details and questions: Let us not forget to comment with a big THANK YOU ! :smiley: :+1:t4:

And THAT is really a big progress (beside others)!!


Ein super Update. Echt klasse die neuen Funktionen und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.:+1::ok_hand:
Wäre super wenn man die Anzeige der Geschwindigkeit (hab ich ja auf meinem Tacho) wie die Höhenangabe auch deaktivieren könnte.
Weiter so…
GruĂź Oliver


It’s easy to add an option for speed too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hab mich vielleicht nicht richtig ausgedrĂĽckt.:smirk:
Gibt es eine Einstellung, das man die Geschwindigkeitsanzeige nicht auf der Karte sieht?
So wie bei der Anzeige der Höhenangabe. Da kann man auch einstellen ob man die Azeige auf der Karte sehen möchte oder nicht.

Die Farbeinstellungen sind klasse :+1:
GruĂź Oliver

Currently the speed display is not optional, but we could make it if there is need.


Wäre klasse,.
GruĂź Oliver

Great news and a great list of great improvements! (hey - did I use the G-word THREE times? :grin:)

I really look forward for the next test ride! :+1: (unfortunately could take some time until then, due to a recent surgical operation :face_with_head_bandage:)

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That’s my most favorite improvements of this update. Thank you! For sure, the others sound nice as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

I would like to promote the optional display of speed. I have already a speedometer right below the smartphone. No necessity to waste space of the limited smartphone display. :wink:

I’ll join you:
I myself use the speedometer display of the app “Ulysse Tachometer Pro” as an overlay (as well as the display of altitude), because Kurviger’s display of speed is too small for my needs to keep an eye on it all the time while moving - but it doesn’t bother me either, because it’s hidden by the overlay.

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Whats exactly does this mean? Is the current route automatically exported to a file (.kurviger?) after being edited?

It’s related to this discussion.
Previously route(s) were auto-saved on app exit.

Now are auto-saved asynchronously after changes.
Even with irregular app exits, should be safe.

Ahhh, I see. Good function, helps preventing frustration :grin:.

If I had a wish from Santa Claus this Xmas, I’d love to be able to select ANY waypoint from my route for this function. :blush:

When you express it that way, can we refuse?! :christmas_tree:

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This insatiable man … :laughing:
(This is the fate of developers who listen to there users:
Every development step awakens new ideas and needs! :joy:)