Feature request: Create favorites while navigating

It would be very good if there was a way to quickly add a favorite point while on the road. Preferably without stopping. A button in the same navigation menu as the end, skip, overview and mute would be ideal.

So why do I think this is a good thing to have?

  • First, if I find a good road that I want to visit again, it would be as simple as creating a favorite. Then I can edit the favorite when I get back home to add a nice description etc.
  • Second, as a OpenStreetMap contributor, when I encounter something that is incorrect in the map. It would be an easy way to mark this position so I can correct the map when I get home. When I do a 200km trip, it’s not always easy to remember where exactly an unmarked gravel road started for example.

My suggestion is that when the “create favorite” button is pressed a favorite is created and the name is just the date + time (or the coordinates of the location) and a small indication that it happened. Then the navigation resumes as normal.


Excellente idée, je le fais déjà sur Garmin, bien pratique pour modifier osm.


I agree, sounds very useful.

The rest of my answer is quite offtopic as it is a separate app, I hope it fine for the readers. I want to share this, as in this app such “Annotations” are possible and it might be useful for other stuff, but surely no replacement for logging gpx in the kurviger app or even to create favorites in kurviger. Other usecase.

App is called gpslogger and as far as I see only available in the F-Droid store. I found this when there were discussions in the forum about logging gpx data, what I never used before (to understand the discussions). From my point it works like a charm, I can even upload the gpx to my Nextcloud server.

These Annotation buttons can be configured.

When a button is pressed the value of the button is written to the gpx file.


Ich habe diese Funktion auch schon mal gewĂŒnscht, es war jedoch zu selten, dass es einen extra Button in kurviger wert wĂ€re, meiner Meinung nach.
Alternativ könnte man auch schnell ein Foto machen, egal was drauf ist, denn dieses Bild enthÀlt ja die Positionsinfos, die man dann ja zu Hause auswerten kann.

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I also use such a feature on my Garmin device, very helpful to remember points: Just use it during riding, name is auto-generated (000, 001, 
), modify / check later.
If you would like that feature, please vote for it!
(Button on top of this thread)

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I would appreciate this feature very much.

User story:
I often ride in a group and it is not always possible to stop and explore or take photos of something interesting I saw along the route. It might be a landmark, nice looking restaurant or something else. After the ride, I could then take time to research and see if the place is worth a stop next time. My wish would be to be able to acces this feature from this navigation menu:

It could be called “Tag current location”, and it would be saved in the separate favourites group called “Tagged locations”. The name should be automatically assigned (without prompting) using a combination of the timestamp and the name of the broader region (like “Sardinia” or “Hessen”
). Something similar to how taking screenshot works.

In addition, it would be great to be able to assign this feature to one of the keys, maybe as long press. By this I mean the dedicated motorcycle keys provided on Honda Africa Twin, Wonderwheel on BMW or similar. It might be also worth considering to be able to assign this (as a long press) to one of the volume keys on phone or tablet, like you already do for zooming.


Yes, this is essentially how we have this feature planned :slight_smile:


The initial idea was to add favourites to the app, but would it be also possible to add some kind of tags to the recorded track?

Then you could open the track, see the tagged points and add them to favourites manually if desired.

It might also be an option for the user to preselect in settings:

  • add to favourites
  • add tag to track
  • both of the above
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Can you clarify what these tags would be and how they would be used?

Currently the track is recorded while driving and can be loaded as route. In this case, the recorded points become shaping points.

Now, lets say, while riding you somehow (UI TBD) mark a location that you found interesting for some reason. This tracking point could then get an additional attribute (i.e., “tag”) to distinguish it from the other points. Now, when you load such track as a route, those tagged points could automatically become via points instead of shaping points.

The automatic naming could work the same way as for favourites and the via points would get the same name as the favourite.

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Got it, thanks for the explanation :+1:.

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hĂ€ufig ist es so, wenn ich eine Route folge, und an was vorbeifahre, was ich gerne spĂ€ter recherchieren möchte, oder nochmal hinfahren will, dann vermisse ich die Möglichkeit in der App einen “Merker” zu setzen, den ich spĂ€ter mir genauer anschauen kann. Irgendwas, was im Hintergrund lediglich die Koordinaten und die Uhrzeit/Tag abspeichert. Oder gibt es einen Workaround dafĂŒr?

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Sehr simpler Workaround: Screenshot, ist bei Samsung und Android 13 das gleichzeitige BetĂ€tigen von “LautstĂ€rke -” und “ein/aus” Buttons am Handy. Über aufgezeichnete Route und Uhrzeit findet man die Koordinaten wieder. Etwas umstĂ€ndlich, aber geht.

Einen Button dazu in der App gibt es aktuell nicht.

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Ich finde es nicht simpel,zumal mein Handy einem Cover in einer X‐Grip Kugelkopfhalterung steckt.Wegen dem Cover muß ich so stark auf die Tasten drĂŒcken,das sich jedesmal die Position der X‐Grip Halterung dabei verĂ€ndert und ich es neu ausrichten dĂŒrfte.Oder ich klemme als zweite Option das Ladekabel ab und nehme das Handy aus der Halterung um die Tasten zu betĂ€tigen.Ein Button wĂ€re wesentlich einfacher zu hĂ€ndeln

Sorry, simple war im anderem Kontext gedacht - Bildschirmfoto und spĂ€ter recherchieren. Bin voll bei Dir, die Tasten gleichzeitig zu erwischen ist schon ein KunststĂŒck und klappt nicht immer und gut. Oft hat man auch nur die LautstĂ€rke heruntergesetzt oder den Bildschirm ausgemacht.
Mit etwas mehr Aufwand, und damit nicht mehr “simple”, wĂ€re der Einsatz von Makro’s ĂŒber dritte Apps wie z.B. Tasker. So lassen sich Knöpfe auf dem Display realisieren, die ein Screenshot auslösen.

wenn die Programmierer gut sind, haben die kein Problem so ein Button in der App hinzusaubern. Aber ist natĂŒrlich mit Zeit und Aufwand verbunden. :man_shrugging: :sunglasses:
Ganz ehrlich, ist keine grosse Sache :wink:
(P.S:: wir wollen die App nur besser und attraktiver machen :blush:)

Einfach ganz oben in dem Topic deine Stimme mit “Vote” dafĂŒr abgeben, dann rĂŒckt die Funktion weiter nach oben in der PrioritĂ€tenliste.


ich habe kurz gesucht, aber zu dem Thema nichts gefunden, deshalb frag ich einfach mal.
Mir ist es jetzt schon des Öfteren passiert, dass ich dank Kurviger.de tolle Strecken erwischt habe, die aber bei der Planung gar nicht mal so aufgefallen sind und dementsprechend auch schnell wieder in Vergessenheit geraten.
WĂ€re es nicht möglich eine Highlight Funktion einzubauen, dass man unterwegs einen Button drĂŒckt und die App einfach nur die aktuellen Koordinaten abgespeichert? Namen vergeben und Ă€hnliches kann man dann ja spĂ€ter, aber in dem Moment hat man halt diese tolle Strecke fĂŒr das nĂ€chste mal abgespeichert und kann sie in die nĂ€chste Planung einbauen.

Vielen Dank vorab.

I did a quick search but couldn’t find anything on the subject, so I’ll just ask.
It has often happened to me that I have found great routes thanks to Kurviger.de, but I didn’t even notice them when I was planning and therefore quickly forgot about them.
Wouldn’t it be possible to incorporate a highlight function so that you press a button on the go and the app simply saves the current coordinates? You can then assign names and the like later, but at that moment you have just saved this great route for the next time and can incorporate it into your next planning.

Many thanks in advance.


I have moved your post here.
Please vote for the feature. (at the top of the post)

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good idea, the other way round would be nice as well.
to pick a POI from favorites or direkt from the card and add additional waypoint without ending navigation and having to go to planning and back, see as well: