App: How to delete the complete bookmark list?

Hy there,
i’m using the app version 1.10.5.

I’m in the need to delete all of my bookmarks (several hundrets by mistake). In the documentation is written " If you go to the Menu , select Bookmarks , and press on Manage . This will open a window where you can edit and delete your bookmarks. There is also an option to show or hide bookmarks on the map."

Unfortunately, there’s no option like “Manage” nor “show or hide”. How can i delete the whole list at once?

Thx in advance

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(documentation needs some updating)

Can show all bookmarks via menu “Bookmarks | List”.

There isn’t currently any option to delete all bookmarks at once.
Just select one by one and tap the X button.

A way could be to uninstall / reinstall the app, but note that clears all its settings (also bookmarks). :slightly_smiling_face:

Nevertheless it’s an interesting request and we need an elegant way to offer such functionality in a future version.

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That’s the annoying way i’m just doing it. It’s little bit frustrating doing this hundred times and more.

Thx so far

When bookmarks were introduced, it was more for tens than hundreds of them, to be actually manageable.

We can offer a clear function for all of them in near future. :slightly_smiling_face:

(moved topic in new features)

That would be a very good idea because there could be hundrets or more by e. g. a mistake.

But by the way:
All kind of Bookmarks do have the same icon. Lets say those are Hill tops and mountain passes. It is not very helpful having them the same symbol by planning a route. And it’s the same problem when they are imported as overlays.

Are there any plans to optimize this in near future?

Mean via GPX files?

We can consider that, probably as part of bookmarks review, when new features list allows it.

Yes, import GPX files with POIs as Overlay

A related discussion for customized GPX can be found here:

There is a trick though. You can import a gpx file with only 2 waypoints. This file can be easily exported through Kurviger, just plan a route with start and end and export a GPX file with waypoints. Import that file and overwrite the existing bookmarks. Then you only need to delete 2 bookmarks :slight_smile:.


@boldtrn I tried it. That’s a good tip and that would have helped me a few days ago. Without your tip I could solve the problem with the many hundreds of bookmarks to be deleted (all Alpine passes and summits) only by uninstalling the Kurviger app. After reinstalling, of course, all settings were gone …

Clear all stored bookmarks in one go (after confirmation) is included in Kurviger 1.11.8 (Beta).

Implemented in Kurviger 1.11.10.