Kurviger 1.11.5 is on Google Play:
- Navigation: simulate navigation function (Pro)
Simulate navigation anywhere with fast forward / rewind and adjustable speed.
- Play / Pause navigation simulation
- Skip previous / next turn instructions
- Skip to route start / end (long press)
- Select simulation speed (tap speed panel)
- Works nicely with App: Smooth movement
Available in “Settings | Navigation | Navigation mode”.
- Navigation: speed based voice guidance (Pro)
Allow speed to influence voice instructions timing (speak earlier when run).
Available in “Settings | Voice guidance | Speed”.
- Location: location marker / arrow appearance options
There have been reports, e.g. here or here, about location display problems in older devices, probably due to poor OpenGL drivers.
So I added a 2nd location appearance option available in new location settings.
It uses standard svg symbols instead of OpenGL advanced real time rendering.
It has all expected features like arrow size / tip, except (currently) custom color.
Available in “Settings | Location | Location appearance”.
- Location: show speed / altitude in follow location mode
Display speed and altitude panels also in follow location mode (besides navigation).
Available in “Settings | Location”.
- Location: smooth movement in navigation / follow
Fluid map move / rotate / zoom animations in navigation & follow location.
Can be used alone or together with the Kalman filter.
Available in “Settings | Location | Smooth movement”.
- Map: advanced map scale / display zoom level
Show map zoom level in (advanced) scale bar or (auto hidden) zoom buttons.
Available in “Settings | Map | Map scale”.
- Map: transparency option in color settings
Translucent colors are available everywhere in all color settings.
- Bookmarks: option to delete all bookmarks
Clear all stored bookmarks conveniently in one go (after confirmation).
Available in menu “Bookmarks | Clear”.
- Bookmarks: long press on route to add bookmarks
Add bookmarks on route via its actions dialog (long press on route).
- App: option to lock the touch screen (Pro)
Useful during navigation, in rain conditions, for avoid ghosts inputs, etc.
A notification will inform for the enabled screen lock.
Then can disable the screen lock via the notification.
Available in menu “Tools | Screen lock”.
- Various improvements
Kurviger 1.11.9 is on Google Play:
- Map: add POI for accommodation, health in layers menu (Pro)
More points of interest in map layers menu for accommodation (e.g. hotels) and health care (e.g. hospitals, pharmacies).
- Various improvements
Kurviger 1.11.10 is on Google Play:
- Navigation: auto zoom detailed options (Pro)
Can specify in detail the fractional auto zoom levels for an enhanced navigation experience.
Available in “Settings | Navigation”.
- Stability improvements
Thanks to all who participated in Kurviger 1.11 (Beta) program!
We’re looking forward for your feedback about the new version and we wish you a nice Kurviger experience!