Kurviger 1.11.8 (Beta)

Kurviger 1.11 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Location: location marker / arrow appearance options (image 1)

There have been reports, e.g. here or here, about location display problems in older devices, probably due to poor OpenGL drivers.

So I added a 2nd location appearance option available in new location settings.
It uses standard svg symbols instead of OpenGL advanced real time rendering.
It has all expected features like arrow size / tip, except (currently) custom color.

Available in “Settings | Location | Location appearance”.

- Location: show speed / altitude in follow location mode

Display speed and altitude panels also in follow location mode (besides navigation).

Available in “Settings | Location”.

- App: option to lock the touch screen (Pro) (image 2)

Useful during navigation, in rain conditions, for avoid ghosts inputs, etc.

A notification will inform for the enabled screen lock.
Then can disable the screen lock via the notification.

Available in menu “Tools | Screen lock”.

- Stability improvements

  • Location optimizations for better battery efficiency
  • OpenGL optimizations for performance & stability

Kurviger 1.11.1 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Navigation: simulate navigation function (Pro) (image 3)

Simulate navigation anywhere with fast forward / rewind and adjustable speed.

  • Play / Pause navigation simulation :play_or_pause_button:
  • Skip previous / next turn instructions :rewind: :fast_forward:
  • Skip to route start / end (long press) :rewind: :fast_forward:
  • Select simulation speed (tap speed panel)
  • Works nicely with App: Smooth movement

Available in “Settings | Navigation | Navigation mode”.

- Navigation: speed based voice guidance (Pro)

Allow speed to influence voice instructions timing (speak earlier when run).
Let’s test and see if extra fine tuning is needed.

Available in “Settings | Voice guidance | Speed”.

- Location: smooth movement in navigation / follow

Fluid map move / rotate / zoom animations in navigation & follow location.
Can be used alone or together with the Kalman filter.

Available in “Settings | Location | Smooth movement”.

- Map: advanced map scale / display zoom level

Show map zoom level in (advanced) scale bar or (auto hidden) zoom buttons.

Available in “Settings | Map | Map scale”.

- Bookmarks: option to delete all bookmarks

Clear all stored bookmarks conveniently in one go (after confirmation).

Available in menu “Bookmarks | Clear”.

- Bookmarks: long press on route to add bookmarks

Add bookmarks on route via its actions dialog (long press on route).

- Stability improvements

Kurviger 1.11.2 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Various improvements

Navigation simulation, map scale, etc.

Kurviger 1.11.3 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Map: transparency option in color settings (image 4)

Translucent colors are available everywhere in all color settings.

- Stability improvements

Kurviger 1.11.4 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Various improvements

Distance based auto zoom, route color, etc.

Kurviger 1.11.6 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Navigation: simulate navigation function (Pro)

Simulation speeds renamed to [1x, 2x, 3x, …] as better understandable values.

- Offline map improvements

Revised offline maps rendering with faster performance and better appearance.
(even with heavy countries on large resolutions with vegetation layer enabled)

Kurviger 1.11.7 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Offline map improvements

Another set of offline maps rendering improvements for even faster performance.

Kurviger 1.11.8 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Map: add POI for accommodation, health in layers menu (Pro)

More points of interest in map layers menu for accommodation (e.g. hotels) and health care (e.g. hospitals, pharmacies).

- Various improvements

We’re looking forward for your feedback about the new version and we wish you a nice Kurviger experience! :motorcycle: :racing_car:


Love it!!!


So do I! And I like the lock screen too! Thanks a lot for continually improvement :+1::smiley:


Well done. Also the arrows are really good visible.
Thanks for all your work and that you improve Kurviger.

Regards, Nico


2 posts were split to a new topic: Voice guidance “After instruction points” and Rerouting

Kurviger 1.11.1 (Beta) is on Google Play (instructions):

- Navigation: simulate navigation function (Pro)

Simulate navigation anywhere with fast forward / rewind and adjustable speed.

  • Play / Pause navigation simulation :play_or_pause_button:
  • Skip previous / next turn instructions :rewind: :fast_forward:
  • Select simulation speed (tap speed panel)
  • Works nicely with App: Smooth movement

Available in “Settings | Navigation | Navigation mode”.

- Navigation: speed based voice guidance (Pro)

Allow speed to influence voice instructions timing (speak earlier when run).
Let’s test and see if extra fine tuning is needed.

Available in “Settings | Voice guidance | Speed”.

- Location: smooth movement in navigation / follow

Fluid map move / rotate / zoom animations in navigation & follow location.
Can be used alone or together with the Kalman filter.

Available in “Settings | Location | Smooth movement”.

- Map: advanced map scale / display zoom level

Show map zoom level in (advanced) scale bar or (auto hidden) zoom buttons.

Available in “Settings | Map | Map scale”.

- Bookmarks: option to delete all bookmarks

Clear all stored bookmarks conveniently in one go (after confirmation).

Available in menu “Bookmarks | Clear”.

- Bookmarks: long press on route to add bookmarks

Add bookmarks on route via its actions dialog (long press on route).

- Stability improvements


Works like charme and very useful for testing different setting / functions at home before using it on the road.

Looks really great (“eye candy” :smile:). Now movements somehow look smooth like in Google Maps (what I always liked this way).

Very useful to identify currently used zoom level to be able to decide for the appropriate zoom settings.

As always: respect for your great work and further improvements for the Kurviger app! :+1:t3:

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Please test the provided speeds and if we need to change them for better simulation.

I think the four options (40 / 80 / 160 / 320 km/h) are OK and enough to be useful.

But it seems that the simulation speed is a little bit lower than the chosen speed setting. I made a test route with a length of 10km and stopped the time the simulation took from start to end.

With a simulation speed of 320km/h it lasted approx. 2:30min (should be approx. 1:50min at this speed).
With a simulation speed of 160km/h it lasted approx. 4:55min (should be approx. 3:45min at this speed).

Times were nearly (but not exactly) the same while using the smooth movement setting switched on or off.

So I would suggest to increase the simulated speeds about 30-40% for better corresponding the chosen speed.

And would it be possible to keep the “Skip previous / next turn instructions”-buttons active even while moving (to not being forced to use “pause” every time you want to “switch” forward)?

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Same comment from my side - just perfect! :motorcycle:


And once again: You are great!!

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Thanks for the feedback.

Exact timing would be difficult, as it’s not simply a physics equation, but will see for improvements.

I have thought that, but complicates implementation and preferred to keep things simple for start.
Speed can be changed in real time while simulation runs.

Erstmal Danke fĂĽr die Arbeit an der App :smiley:
Was mich mal interessieren wäre ein Guide wo der jeweilige Einfluss der Funktionen auf den Akku hinterlegt ist.
Wenn das überhaupt möglich ist, so das man weiß “Ok, auf die schöne Grafik verzichte ich, hab dafür mehr Akku”…

First of all thanks for the work on the app :smiley:
What interests me would be a guide where the respective influence of the functions on the battery is stored.
If this is possible at all, so you know “Ok, I don’t use the nice graphics, but I have more battery”…

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Kurviger 1.11 (Beta) contains new optimizations for better battery efficiency.

Candidates for more CPU / GPU use and so for more battery consumption could be:

  • Smooth movement: active only when screen is on and is more for fluid map animations
  • Kalman filter: works regardless screen to reduce GPS errors (remains optional if need it)

Wunderbar, Danke schön. :smiley:

Wonderful, thank you.

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Very nice new features, especially simulation mode and smooth movements :full_moon_with_face::+1:

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My feedback:

I appreciate most (for MY purposes)

  1. Advanced map scale / display zoom level
  2. Bookmarks: long press on route to add bookmarks


  1. The simulation mode is nice, but have to find out what it is good for in everyday use. (And even with simulation speed 320 km/h :smiley: it takes a lot of time to “travel” by the simulation, if you don’t jump from one instruction to the next; but if you do so, what could be the sense to simulate the route)
    But as I said:
    Perhaps I have to find out first, in which situations the sim mode will be beneficial for ME.
    Possibly one of the other users may describe when and how you (will) use this as a tool.

  2. Speed based vioce guidance is useful for sure on the motorbike, but I don’t use it so often in the car, because I have a good view of the map there.

  3. Smooth movement in navigation / follow may be nice as well, but its not a Must for me and probably not matching my Galaxy S5, that often already reaches its limit, because I usually run several apps at the same time.


The Kurviger app has quite a lot of different settings and options. So sometimes it can take a while to discover all the features and functionalities, and to identify the appropriate settings for your personal needs and hardware device.
And like with all navigation solutions you somehow have to “learn” its specific behaviour and visualization so that it becames completely ingrained before using it in the road.

Therefore it’s much more comfortable and safe (!) to be able to that at home like by using a simulation mode. And not being forced to absolve a lot of “test trips” on the street to finally determine your personal settings. That especially applies for motorcycle trips where you don’t want to pay too much deep attentrion to discover all the details of your navigation app while being driving around, but where the app should already be a tool which can be easy and intuitively used for all your personal needs on the road.

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That’s indeed a convincing argument. Thx! :+1:t4:

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