App: Select next waypoint to display

Most of the times during navigation it would be much more interesting to know the distance (or time) to a certain waypoint than to the final destination. For example this would be the next planned stop, a special waypoint (like a mountain pass) and so on.

So it would really be a great feature if the Kurviger app had the possibility to choose one of the waypoints in the current route to be the calculated destination for the displayed distance/time.

Have fun and ride safe!

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Interesting feature Mario. Just a hint, you can switch between total time and total distance in the navigation view, when tapping on the field that contains the time/distance.


We already had that question in the old forum, and the idea was, wether it is useful / possible, to be enabled to switch between “distance / time to end of the route” and “distance / time to the next waypoint”.

There were even ideas, which button could be used for that.

So we may get in this discussion again, or?

We had that discussion back then.

Indeed simplest start is switch between destination & next waypoint by tap on distance panel.

With so many feature requests, it is still in todo list, I’ll see what can be done. :slightly_smiling_face:


Just to update this post as well, you can now show the distance to the next waypoint. See: Kurviger 1.3


@SchlesiM based on your answer here is this feature covered?

Or need to see waypoint distance in nav panels during navigation?

The new feature’s already very helpful - thanks for that! :+1:

But you’re right: if it would be possible to choose a certain waypoint for the panels info, this would be even more helpful. Because this way I could see the time/distance to the first planned stop, for example.

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Since version 1.7 we have this feature:

And this one:

And since version 1.3 we have this one:

Would it possible to combine all of them to get such a feature?:

  • long press on waypoint to get it’s context menu
  • choose “show on panel info” (= new menu item) to display distance/time to this waypoint (instead of “next waypoint” or “destination”)

That is an interesting idea :slight_smile:. Thanks for the proposal.

That should be possible now, stay tuned. :slightly_smiling_face:


Being a navigation feature, could long press distance panel and select in a dialog for which waypoint to display distance and time.


Yes, exactly. Would be a great feature. :+1:

This would really be great!

Edit: I don’t need this new feature anymore. I have only just discovered the possibility of the info bubble at waypoints. That’s exactly the functionality I wanted!

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unfortunately the info bubbles do not solve the problem:

The selection of the next waypoint to display (image 1)
will be available in navigation when long press:

(image 2: all route waypoints via menu “Routing | Waypoints”)



Available in Kurviger 2.2.19 (Beta).

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: App: Display next waypoint

For the record, this feature was first requested on the old forum in 2017:

A proof that nothing is forgotten in the development of the app. :slightly_smiling_face:


Improved in Kurviger 2.2.19 (Beta).

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Implemented in Kurviger 2.2.28.

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